Communications Strategy Consultant
Scope of work
Seachange Collective is looking for a short-term communications consultant to support us in a website language refresh. We are hoping to find someone who shares our values and will work collaboratively with our members to strengthen and clarify the language we use to describe who we are and how we work.
We particularly welcome applications from members of BIPOC, TLGBTQIA+, poor and working class communities, and/or people with lived experience of dis/ability. We also welcome applications from past workshop participants and others already familiar with our work!
Seachange Collective is a women-led training collective that builds the capacity of people and groups who do social justice work, through workshops, strategic planning, program design, assessments, training, and more. We aim to close the gap between values and practice, and be the place where individuals and organizations of all sizes can get the support they need to strengthen their work. Our work is built on values of participation, intersectional understanding, accountability, and sustainability.
Anticipated Scope of work & BUDGET
Review current website language for content, clarity, and flow of information
1-2 conversations/meetings with collective member(s) to understand what we want to update
2-3 rounds of edits in google docs in collaboration with collective member(s)
We have budgeted ~$100/hour for an estimated 10-20 hours of work, based on the above activities, with the goal of completion by the end of 2021, but we are open to other proposed budgets/scopes of work.
Please send your CV along with a short writing sample and proposed budget/scope of work to with the subject “Communications Consultant.” Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with a priority deadline of October 29th.